Tag Archives: things i love


Sorry, dear blog, for being a little MIA this week. You see, I’ve been online, but instead of posting on you, I’ve been pouring over the IKEA and Urban Outfitters websites, trying to decide what I want to decorate my house with. This will be my first ever trip to IKEA, and I am so so so excited about it. These are a few of the items I hope to be purchasing tomorrow when I head down to Atlanta for the great shopping trip of ’09.

ASKER container{ikea}

gray rug

{urban outfitters}

KNAPPA light{ikea}

{urban outfitters}

KORT Art card{ikea}

so sorry, dear little blog. i promise i won’t be so neglectful next week – i just need to focus on decorating and painting this weekend!


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who doesn’t love a moustache?

me, pretending i can rock a 'stache.

me, pretending i can rock a 'stache.

So I am trying to convince the husband that he needs to participate in the great Moustache May again this year –
however, I feel like he may be trying to back down on me.
I mean, if I could grow a ‘stache, I would be participating in an instant!

I mean, who doesn’t love a great moustache? I personally find them adorable (for one month out of the year). See for yourself!

the husband rocking his 'stache while pretending to be the great John Locke.

the husband rocking his 'stache while pretending to be the great John Locke.

i mean really?? how can you say no to that face with that moustache??

i mean really?? how can you say no to that face with that moustache??

a room full of fabulous 'staches.

a room full of fabulous 'staches.

another Moustache May participant - looked forward to his pictures with anticipation every single day.

another Moustache May participant - looked forward to his pictures with anticipation every single day.

and another. with this kind of greatness, how could husband not want to participate?

and another. with this kind of greatness, how could husband not want to participate?

So, Jon, there you have it. My thoughts on your participation in Moustache May 2009.


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